Go With Peace
"Go with Peace" is an action-packed comic following siblings Iori and his sister as they battle to prevent colonization of their continent. With nature-blessed abilities, Iori discovers his sister's involvement in a mission, leading him to Eclipse village. There, he learns of an imminent threat and must act to protect the village. Inspired by "Lost Ark" and "Naruto," this manga-style comic explores family strength and collective action in an emotionally charged narrative.
Predators And Pray
In 216 AC, following a divine revelation in 1800 AD, gods tasked religious leaders with eradicating demonic spirits. They established an exorcist school exclusively for esteemed figures, like Rabbis and Reverends. The Treetop Trio, young Predators-in-training, stumble upon the school's secrets while navigating adolescence and confronting demonic forces.
Psalms in Chicago
Join Fizzy, a warehouse worker, on a night of revelry and revelation in our upcoming game. Engage in deep conversations with characters like Isis, Bong, Sissy, and Felicia to uncover Fizzy's past and the true reason behind his unexpected encounter. Inspired by Persona 5 and Doki Doki Literature Club, our game authentically portrays real characters facing real challenges, inviting you to connect on a profound level.
"S.O.S." is a thrilling hero academy manga set in Shibuya, Japan, where 12 students of Class 1A navigate a city in chaos following a catastrophic explosion. As they confront both external threats and internal struggles, their journey unfolds against the backdrop of heroism and self-discovery.
Summoner Plus
"Summoner Plus is a classic RPG with influences from early 3D RPGs. Play as Flash, a scientist in a dystopian city, as she uncovers a plot to turn athletic events deadly for entertainment. Can she stop the corruption?"
The Story of Flowers
In 'Story of Flowers,' a hero is thrust into action prematurely, facing defeat and the harsh reality of an unpreventable world. Now, amidst his setbacks, he must learn to adapt and navigate the very world he couldn't save—until the opportunity arises for him to reshape it.
In Zenconium, a desert world is under siege by Liquid Metal monsters. Jacob, a Sharpshooter with healing abilities, aims to join the organization fighting these creatures after losing his family to a devastating raid. Join him as he seeks to prevent further tragedy and confront the monsters that changed his life forever.